Here at Five Points, we believe both acupuncture and microneedling procedures leave you feeling happier, healthier, and better on the inside and the outside. Both of these procedures can be combined to optimize your collagen-producing, youthful goals in a non-invasive, non-surgical manner.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is believed that your face is the gateway to the soul. Changes in the face can be indicators of something else wrong with the body. Facial or cosmetic acupuncture is in essence the same as traditional acupuncture as the effects are the same. There is virtually no down time with acupuncture except perhaps a bruise where the needle was.

In MicroNeedling, your face also can be the gateway to the soul. After all, if you feel healthy and well, your face will reflect it. You’ll smile more and be happier and lead an overall content life. MicroNeedling leaves your face with a reddish tinge for a few days afterwards, but with little other side effects.

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